Wednesday, February 17, 2016
7:30am - 9:00am EST
Maggiano's Philadelphia
1201 Filbert St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107
As IROs we all strive to tell our company's story - and have analysts, investors, and prospects understand how we create shareholder value while achieving business objectives. This can be challenging when there is a disconnect between what management wants to say and what The Street wants to hear. Getting your strategic messages right is critical.
Bring your questions, share your insights, and join our panel discussion on providing strategic counsel and developing clear messages. Learn best practices and gain tips on how powerful communications will position your company to influence how employees, customers and investors perceive your organization.
Join us for a discussion that promises to be interesting and educational. Remember to register and bring your CFO, Communications, Marketing, and IR colleagues! For more details on the event and the panelists, visit
Gregg Lampf's
Steve Rosen